
modular beehive monitoring system - LoraWAN prototype

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LoRaWAN Academy - Final Project

Hi, this is my final project for the TTN LoRaWAN Academy. It is a beehive scale with a temperature sensor inside the hive and weather data from the apiary. I used a single channel nanogateway (Lopy + expansion board) from pycom as gateway and a Lopy with Pycom Sensor Shield as sensor unit. (I had no LoRaWAN Gateway with multi channel support)



  • 2 x Pycom Lopy
  • 1 x Pycom Expansion Board
  • 1 x Pycom Sensor Shield
  • solar panel
  • voltage regulator (5V)
  • charging regulator board
  • accumulator
  • custom cases for the gateway and the sensor-unit (3D print)
  • ds18b20 (waterproof) temperature sensor
  • hx711 load cell amplifier
  • single point load cell H30A from Bosche
  • self constructed frame for the load cell

How it works

The sensor unit sends the data (3 x temperature, 1 x humidity, 1 x airpressure, 2 x light values, 1 x scale voltage and voltage (battery) = 20 Bytes) every 10 minutes via ABP (OTA had some issues which I couldn't solve in time --> coming soon) over the nanogateway to thethingsnetwork. On thethingsnetwork I use the decoder to decode the bytes and send it with a webhook to my own server. On my server runs a GO (golang) App and hosts a REST Api and nginx as webserver. The stored data can then be accessed with an Angular Single Page Application. In the Application I use the d3.js Library to show the data in a diagram (see screenshot to the right).

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